Enzymes are proteins that catalyze chemical reactions. Enzymes have been widely used to facilitate industrial processes and the production of products, and these enzymes are referenced as industrial enzymes. Enzymes play a surprisingly important role in modern industry, and are essential to the production of more commercial products than one would initially consider. Enzymes are proteins that speed up reactions and improve yield by increasing available precursors for downstream reactions. IED is a database of industrial enzymes. This database contains enzymes used in industries like sugar, detergent, leather, paper and textile.

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What you can do with IED
Browse enzymes used in industries like sugar, detergent, leather, paper and textile by enzyme functions or by enzyme names.
Search for IED records in various ways.
BLAST a query sequence against IED to find a homologous industrial enzyme.
Submit data to IED.
Download industrial enzyme data.

Version History Update on
0.1 Initial Setup 07/06/2022
0.5 Add Tool 04/09/2023