Effects |
(1) NP-corona complexes with αM loading (0d-NP-αM-corona or 7d-NP-αM-corona) resulted in a significant higher percentage transport compared with that unloaded (0d-NP-corona or 7d-NP-corona) (2) the levels of 395 proteins were enhanced in 0d-NP-αM-corona compared with 0d-NP-corona, while that of 162 proteins were upregulated in 7d-NP-αM-corona compared with 7d-NP-corona,compared with 0d-NP-corona, 465 proteins were upregulated in 7d-NP-corona, while compared with 0d-NP-αM-corona, 578 proteins were upregulated in 7d-NP-αM-corona(3) nanoparticles showed higher brain transport efficiency and microglia uptake efficiency after αM loading and multiple administration |