Detailed Information for S00273

Basic information about inhibitors

Name 4-((4-Methyl-2-oxo-2H-chromen-7-yl)oxy)butyl piperidine-1-carbodithioate
Category Synthetic compounds
2D Structure
drag out molecule file (MOL format)
3D Structure
Molecular Formula -
Molecular Weight -
IUPAC Name -
InChI -
InChIKey -
Canonical SMILES -
PubChem CID -
DrugBank Accession Number -
CAS Registry Number -

Biological activity data

Ki -
IC50 0.027±0.002 μM(AChE)
Inhibition 15.29±1.95%(BCHE), 40.19±2.39%(Aβ aggregation)
ROS(reactive oxygen species)
Metal Chelating Fe3+
BBB(blood-brain barrier)
Target Protein Acetylcholinesterase (AChE)
Effects Possessed specific metal-chelating ability, good BBB permeability and low toxicity on SH-SY5Y neuroblastoma cells, inhibit AChE, BCHE and Aβ aggregation
Research Models In vitro, Kinetic study, Molecular modeling study, in KM mice, in SH-SY5Y cell
Ref. Link

Physicochemical properties

Molecular Weight(Computed by SwissADME)
Hac(Computed by SwissADME)
Volume(Computed by ADMETlab 2.0)
Density(Computed by ADMETlab 2.0)
nRing(Computed by ADMETlab 2.0)
MaxRing(Computed by ADMETlab 2.0)
nHet(Computed by ADMETlab 2.0)
fChar(Computed by ADMETlab 2.0)
nRig(Computed by ADMETlab 2.0)
Flexibility(Computed by ADMETlab 2.0)
Stero Centers(Computed by ADMETlab 2.0)
LogS(Computed by ADMETlab 2.0)
LogD(Computed by ADMETlab 2.0)

ADMET properties

logP(Computed by ADMETlab 2.0)
TPSA(Computed by SwissADME)
Hbond Acceptor(Computed by SwissADME)
Hbond Donor(Computed by SwissADME)
Rotatable Bonds(Computed by SwissADME)


GI Absorption(Computed by SwissADME)
BBB(blood-brain barrier) Permeant(Computed by SwissADME)
P-gp Substrate(Computed by SwissADME)
CYP1A2 Inhibitor(Computed by SwissADME)
CYP2C19 Inhibitor(Computed by SwissADME)
CYP2C9 Inhibitor(Computed by SwissADME)
CYP2D6 Inhibitor(Computed by SwissADME)
CYP3A4 Inhibitor(Computed by SwissADME)
log Kp(Skin Permeation)(Computed by SwissADME)


Lipinski(Computed by SwissADME)
Ghose(Computed by SwissADME)
Veber(Computed by SwissADME)
Egan(Computed by SwissADME)
Muegge(Computed by SwissADME)
Bioavailability Score(Computed by SwissADME)